by John C. Hammell, legislative advocate, International Advocates for Health Freedom
2411 Monroe St. Hollywood, Florida Republic, 33020 America-- (but no use burning it down-- all files have been copied and are being stored in multiple locations world wide, along with back up tapes of my computers hard drive, and the IAHF website has been mirrored world wide)
To be added to distribution list: email to: (type "add" in subject line)
Someone created a list-serve for IAHF, but haven't activated it yet. Anyone interested?
From Websters Dictionary: phoe.nix \'fe-niks\n : A legendary bird held to live for centuries and then to burn itself to death and rise fresh and young from its ashes. Like the Phoenix, the Law Loft is rising again. Unlike the Phoenix, the Law Loft did not burn itself down, however. Connie Shaw, from Johnstown Colorado just called out wanting to help. She just told me that "what was once a two story brick building, is now a three foot high pile of ashes." Connie called offering to help Suzanne and Peter find a place to live, possibly with friends in another state. (Can anyone else possibly come up with this sort of thing?)
Nick Ashton has referred to Saturday night's fire as "the demise" of the Law Loft, and of Patriot Radio Station KHNC. He viciously attacked me on the phone after I put out a plea to help Suzanne and Peter get back on their feet. He used to work for the BBC, and has all the earmarks of a spin doctor, of someone trying to mold public opinion against the Law Loft, and against Radio Station KHNC. Is Nick a true American Patriot, as he professes, or is he an agent provacateur? We may never know for certain, but he certainly doesn't seem to want to help the Law Loft-- he seems intent on trying to attack anyone, or anything in any way connected with Patriot Radio Station KHNC.
Last night, while I was reading my email, Ann West-Tickle called from KKCR: Community Radio in Kaui, in Hawaii. She is going to have me on the air on Friday at 2pm my time (9am Hawaii time). I will be discussing the need for people to get behind HR 2868- The Consumer Health Free Speech Act, and I will also discuss the importance of assisting us in our work. She has just donated a computer to Suzanne and Peter to help them get back on their feet because she recognizes the importance of their work. I suspect that Nick Ashton, former BBC journalist probably does too, as he certainly seems EAGER to call this event "their demise."
***But enough of this. Lets stay focused here: Before February 1, 1998, Governments and international organizations wishing to comment on the Codex draft standards for
A) Draft Standard for Gluten-Free Foods (at step 6 of the procedure) and
B) Proposed Draft Guidelines for Vitamins and Mineral Supplements (at step 3 of the procedure)
must do so in writing to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy with a copy to the Codex Contact Point for Germany, Mr. Werner Siebenpfeiffer, Ministerialidirigent, Bundesministerium fur Gesundheit, Am Propsthof 78a,D-53108 Bonn, Germany (Tel.0228.941.40.00, Fax. 0028-941.49.40
(Source: Codex Alimentarius Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization, Joint Office: Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Tel.52251, Telex: 625825-625853 FAOI Cables: Foodagri Rome facsimile: (6)5225.4593
Now, lets take ANOTHER look at the current situation involving the Law Loft, and Suzanne Harris and Peter Ludwell. Against great odds, Harris and Ludwell, by teaming up with IAHF, the Life Extension Foundation, The National Health Federation, the Welch Foundation, Clint Miller, a huge number of consumers, and a growing number of vitamin companies (which will go unnamed), were just able to get dietary supplements specifically exempted from the harmonization language in the FDA Reform Bill (S.830/HR 1411).
To see the amended bill language, go to my website. This kept American food and drug law from being harmonized to that of the EU, at least as far as dietary supplements are concerned-- but now we have problems here due to the Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels final report (so we badly need HR 2868- the Consumer Health Free Speech Act, as well as the first amendment lawsuits which Emord and Milton Bass are currently working on in District Court, and in the US Court of Appeals, respectively.
Until the fire, Harris and Ludwell were living in a converted repair shop in a building that once housed a Tractor dealership. The converted repair shop was in the back of the American Freedom Network- Radio Station KHNC, Johnstown, Colorado- a Patriot Radio Station with 24 hour programming covering some very controversial issues which some very powerful forces do not want discussed-- EXCEPT by their mainstream media mouthpieces, such as the BBC , the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other (alleged) news authorities, which we are all supposed to bow down to and worship.
Now, Nick Ashton, former BBC journalist who HATES the internet, wants us to bow down and BELIEVE the official word of the Colorado State Police, and of course, no one would EVER want to burn down a Patriot Radio Station which conducts 24 hour a day programming covering issues such as Codex, and Multilateral Agreement on Investment--- which the powers that be would prefer we "useless eaters" never pay any ATTENTION to.
Oh yeah, the hotplate did it. Indeed. Peter Ludwell told the investigators before they entered the building what had been plugged in, and what had not been plugged in. The toaster had not been plugged in, the computer had been, the hot plate was plugged in, but Peter unplugged it, while Suzanne watched, and told him that they should get a humidifier. Could someone have broken in to the building? Yes. Could someone have utilized a hotplate to start the fire? Sure. Someone could have used a hotplate and flammable rags to serve as a "fuse" to guide the fire to all the nearby books stacked in the room.
While living in the most primitive living conditions, without even having a shower, or cooking facilities, and with almost NO MONEY, with the help of PUBLIC DONATIONS, from all over the world, Harris and Ludwell have been able to EXPOSE a pharmaceutical takeover campaign which was designed to operate slowly, gradually, like a frog being boiled slowly, so that consumers wouldn't even be able to PERCEIVE what was going on.
Lets look at where we were, and where we are NOW thanks to Harris and Ludwell's help. In Bonn, in October of '96, the German Codex Proposal was pushed from step 3 to step 5 over the strong objections of the US, UK, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. With the outrageously unfair Codex system rigged to assist those playing this shell game against us, even tiny little Kuwait has as much voting power as the world's largest manufacturer of dietary supplements: America. Kuwait voted with the Germans. Kuwait voted against us. The proposal was at step 5, and the Germans were hoping to push it to step 6 in Geneva this past June, thus positioning the proposal to be hammered home to completion at step 8 in Bonn in 1998.
But what happened? Lets look at this: what spoiled their plans and forced the Germans back to step 3 in Geneva? When they tried to move from step 5 to step 6, they were knocked backwards by a massive international groundswell of consumer outrage, and who CATALYZED that outrage? It was Suzanne Harris, Peter Ludwell, and I.
Their research, combined with their articles in the Health Freedom News of the National Health Federation, and my articles in Life Extension Magazine which were also available on my website, and which several publications around the world reprinted, turned the tide of public opinion against the pharmaceutical industry. In Geneva, the Canadian motion to create a "Special Panel of Experts" within WHO for the purpose of creating a negative, or "no trade list" of herbs, in order to ban their sale from international commerce due to (alleged) health hazards, was SHELVED, and deleted from the program.
What brought this about? The main thing that did was the public speaking which Harris and I did in Canada through the Health Action Network Society's Public Forum in Vancouver, and through our appearances on Canadian radio and tv, as well as through our efforts to assist such people as David Rowland, publisher of Health Naturally, who is currently suing the (so called) Health Protection Branch. Groups working closely with Rowland, Citizens Voice for Health Rights, and Freedom of Choice in Health Care are currently working closely with Grant Hill, health critic for the Reform Party, which utilized the health freedom issue to become the official Opposition Party in the Canadian election which just took place. Reforms gains in the Canadian Parliament have had political repercussions for the ruling Liberal Party, which is treating the health freedom issue like the political hot potato that it is.
Have we STOPPED the bureaucrats at Health Canada? No, far from it, the grossly unfair "Drug Identification Number" classification "system" is still being used as a weapon against consumers and against small companies that the pharmaceutical companies want to drive from the market as they proceed with their global takeover campaign-- but we have sure slowed them down- and it was largely Harris and Ludwell's research that enabled us to do this. Does this threaten some powerful business interests? Would they want to silence Harris and Ludwell? Americans must NEVER FORGET that over 160 products currently available in American health food stores have been BANNED in Canada. (source- Zoltan Rona, MD, Toronto, Ontario)
So where does this leave us? We have Codex submissions due before February 1, 1998. Harris and Ludwell have just been donated a computer. Can anyone out there in Colorado offer them a place to crash while they work on the next Codex submission? Can anyone assist us with donations to help us regain some of the lost paperwork that was lost in the fire after being painstakingly acquired from libraries around the world?
Also, we are trying to bring Ron Birckhead over from Norway to assist in the making of a health freedom video-- but maybe someone has a High 8 video camera that they don't need anymore because perhaps they have upgraded to digital? Can someone donate a used High 8 video camera to Ron over in Norway so that he can film his segment of the video and then ship the tape back to us? Ann West-Tickle of radio station KKCR in Kaui in Hawaii has just donated an unneeded laptop for them to use, surely someone out there can donate a video camera?
Can anyone donate money to help with the production and distribution of our health freedom video which will provide all the factual documentation of what is going on, presented on an overhead projector, with expert analysis to show how we can continue to monkeywrench the pharmaceutical industry's takeover campaign?
Funds are needed in Canada to assist with the lawsuit David Rowland or Health Naturally Magazine has filed against the Health Protection Branch. To find out how you can help support this lawsuit, send email to Debbie Anderson of Citizens Voice for Health Rights in British Columbia at and get on her distribution list. Also, read Health Naturally Magazine for political updates. If you read Alive magazine, don't trust what is being said in it.
In Australia, Josh Shaw has a very important lawsuit going against the government, and you should go to my website to learn all about it and how you can help.
In South Africa, Stuart Thomson has been working effectively against the MCC, and I need to post a lot of information about his effort in the website, but haven't had time due to being overworked. I need donations to turn my part time helper into a full timer so we can post more information.
In the UK, Consumers for Health Choice and also Society for the Promotion of Nutritional Therapy are fighting a pitched battle against the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Foods (MAFF) which wants to restrict B-6 to just 10 mg. See my website for more details. If MAFF should succeed with this mindlessness, there would be nothing to stop them from similarly restricting OTHER nutrients to EQUALLY untherapeutic dosage levels.
Many consumers in the UK, and in Holland, are outraged by the Green Paper currently in circulation from Brussels which is clearly trying to steer things in the direction of really draconian maximum potency limits. Is this a conspiracy theory? No, this is a FACT.
In Spain, Fermin Cabal is fighting back. He can be reached at 011-34-07-547351. Again, I haven't had time to post all of his information in the website due to overwork. The King of Spain issued a proclamation which bans all advertising on natural products, and the same thing is now happening in Chile. I have files on what is happening in Spain, and in S.America, but haven't yet had time to put this information on my website. I wish I had someone working here who speaks Spanish. I don't, but my brother Steve does, and so does my friend Manuel Tevar in Miami.
A group is being formed in Chile to fight back, but I am not yet at liberty to announce anything more about it except to say that efforts are underway in Chile to block imports from coming in, the same as in S.Africa.
Can anyone donate to help us bring Ron over to Florida from Bergen, Norway? Ron is an American who witnessed the pharmaceutical take over of the natural products industry in Norway. He spent his life savings trying to fight back, and was driven out of business in the end as a vitamin distributor. American vitamin manufacturers and distributors, as well as health food stores need to hear his story because the same pattern used to destroy health freedom in Norway is being played out world wide, including in the United States, but it is not easy for people to see what is happening. Ron has helped me to see the big picture, and he can help all of us if we can just either get him a High 8 camera, or bring him to Florida long enough to shoot some video.
As I have said before, ours is a TRUE grass roots health freedom effort, with good people from all over the world pitching in to help. THIS is why people such as Nick Ashton "former BBC journalist" really HATE the internet so badly! To contribute to the "ANNOY NICK SOME MORE" fund, kindly keep sending checks made out to either The Law Loft, or IAHF to 2411 Monroe St., Hollywood, FL 33020, USA. I will forward any checks to the Law Loft to wherever it fetches up next in the American Underground.
For Health Freedom--
John C. Hammell, legislative advocate for IAHF
From the Republic of Florida, a geographical part of THE WORLD
Where People Still Believe in Freedom.
Donations Needed- Need Help to Keep Helper On
International Advocates for Health Freedom
John C. Hammell, Legislative Advocate
2411 Monroe St.#2 Hollywood, FL 33020 USA
800-333-2553, 954-929-2905, FAX 954-929-0507,
FAX ON DEMAND 954-927-8795,