To: IAHF List
Subject: US vs THEM List of 364 UN/Gun Control lovin' Traitors in Con-gress
From: "International Advocates for Health Freedom"
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:27:27 -0400 (EDT)
IAHF List: See the list below of 364 traitors who voted against Ron Paul's amendment to remove us from the UN due to the FACT that the UN is attempting to engage in global gun control. See if your congressman's name is among these 364, or among the 62 members of Congress who supported the amendent.
If your Congressman voted against the amendment to remove us from the UN, send him or her a letter demanding to know WHY they don't favor our removal from the UN given the FACT that the UN is trying to strip us of our arms, and of our vitamins. Ask how they think they are upholding their oath of office by endorsing the UN which is trying to ban our access to firearms and to high potency vitamins.If your congressman supported Paul's amendment, send a letter of thanks.
People want to know what they can do to stop Codex from banning our access to vitamins. The answer is to arm yourselves and take daily target practice and to encourage more people to do the same, because at time is coming in which we will be in open war against our so called "government". They are urinating on their oaths, and most of them deserve to be hung by the neck until dead. They are not representing us, they're mere puppets of the ruling elite who jerk their strings.,
Commerce-Justice-State bill (H.R. 2500).
Effort to put a Halt to Global Gun Control: Only 62 members of congress voted for an amendment to remove the USA from the United Nations while 364 traitors opposed the amendment.
There were two attempts made to stop the U.S. from participating in global gun control. The UN has been meeting during the past two weeks to discuss gun restrictions that every nation should follow. Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) offered an amendment specifying that no U.S. funds could be used to implement gun control recommendations adopted at the UN gun control conference. But Chairman Wolf stood up and "assured" Rep. Bartlett that his concerns could be taken care of without enacting legislation. As a result, Rep. Bartlett withdrew his amendment.
However, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) was not to be denied. He offered an amendment to pull the U.S. out of the United Nations and cited the current gun control conference in New York as reason enough to boycott the international gun control organization.
"There have been explicit proposals made at the United Nations to have worldwide gun control," Paul said. "No, they are not taking guns away from the government. They are taking guns away from civilians. If anybody understands our history, they will know that taking guns from civilians is exactly opposite of what the Founders intended."
Despite the fact that Chairman Wolf spoke against his provision --and despite the fact that the Democratic leadership spoke against him as well -- Rep. Paul insisted on putting everyone on record. His amendment failed, but you can see how your Representative voted by going to
--- AYES 62 --- Aderholt Foley Pombo Akin Gibbons Radanovich Armey Goode Riley Barcia Hall (TX) Rohrabacher Barr Hefley Royce Bartlett Hostettler Ryun (KS) Barton Istook Scarborough Bilirakis Jones (NC) Schaffer Burton Keller Sensenbrenner Cannon Kerns Sessions Coble Kingston Shadegg Collins Lewis (KY) Shuster Combest Lucas (OK) Stump Crane Manzullo Tancredo Cubin Moran (KS) Taylor (MS) Culberson Ney Taylor (NC) DeLay Norwood Tiberi DeMint Otter Traficant Doolittle Paul Weldon (FL) Duncan Pence Young (AK) Everett Peterson (MN) --- NOES 364 --- Abercrombie Graves Obey Ackerman Green (TX) Olver Allen Green (WI) Ortiz Andrews Greenwood Osborne Baca Grucci Ose Bachus Gutierrez Oxley Baird Gutknecht Pallone Baker Hall (OH) Pascrell Baldacci Hansen Pastor Baldwin Harman Payne Ballenger Hart Pelosi Barrett Hastings (FL) Peterson (PA) Bass Hastings (WA) Petri Becerra Hayes Phelps Bentsen Hayworth Pickering Bereuter Herger Pitts Berkley Hill Platts Berman Hilleary Pomeroy Berry Hilliard Portman Biggert Hobson Price (NC) Bishop Hoeffel Pryce (OH) Blagojevich Hoekstra Putnam Blumenauer Holden Quinn Blunt Holt Rahall Boehlert Honda Ramstad Boehner Hooley Rangel Bonilla Horn Regula Bonior Houghton Rehberg Bono Hoyer Reyes Borski Hulshof Reynolds Boswell Hunter Rivers Boucher Hutchinson Rodriguez Boyd Hyde Roemer Brady (PA) Inslee Rogers (KY) Brady (TX) Isakson Rogers (MI) Brown (FL) Israel Ros-Lehtinen Brown (OH) Issa Ross Brown (SC) Jackson (IL) Rothman Bryant Jackson-Lee (TX) Roukema Burr Jefferson Roybal-Allard Buyer Jenkins Rush Callahan John Ryan (WI) Calvert Johnson (CT) Sabo Camp Johnson (IL) Sanchez Cantor Johnson, E. B. Sanders Capito Johnson, Sam Sandlin Capps Jones (OH) Sawyer Capuano Kanjorski Saxton Cardin Kaptur Schakowsky Carson (IN) Kelly Schiff Carson (OK) Kennedy (MN) Schrock Castle Kennedy (RI) Scott Chabot Kildee Serrano Chambliss Kilpatrick Shaw Clay Kind (WI) Shays Clayton King (NY) Sherman Clement Kirk Sherwood Clyburn Kleczka Shimkus Condit Knollenberg Shows Conyers Kolbe Simmons Cooksey Kucinich Simpson Costello LaFalce Skeen Cox LaHood Skelton Coyne Lampson Slaughter Cramer Langevin Smith (MI) Crenshaw Lantos Smith (NJ) Crowley Largent Smith (TX) Cummings Larsen (WA) Smith (WA) Cunningham Larson (CT) Snyder Davis (CA) Latham Souder Davis (FL) LaTourette Spratt Davis (IL) Leach Stark Davis, Jo Ann Lee Stearns Davis, Tom Levin Stenholm Deal Lewis (CA) Strickland DeFazio Lewis (GA) Stupak DeGette Linder Sununu Delahunt Lipinski Sweeney DeLauro LoBiondo Tanner Deutsch Lofgren Tauscher Diaz-Balart Lowey Tauzin Dicks Lucas (KY) Terry Dingell Luther Thomas Doggett Maloney (CT) Thompson (CA) Dooley Maloney (NY) Thompson (MS) Doyle Markey Thornberry Dreier Mascara Thune Dunn Matheson Thurman Edwards Matsui Tiahrt Ehlers McCarthy (MO) Tierney Ehrlich McCarthy (NY) Toomey Emerson McCollum Towns Engel McCrery Turner English McDermott Udall (CO) Eshoo McGovern Udall (NM) Etheridge McHugh Upton Evans McInnis Velazquez Farr McIntyre Visclosky Fattah McKeon Vitter Ferguson McKinney Walden Filner McNulty Walsh Flake Meehan Wamp Fletcher Meek (FL) Waters Forbes Meeks (NY) Watkins (OK) Ford Menendez Watson (CA) Fossella Mica Watt (NC) Frank Miller (FL) Watts (OK) Frelinghuysen Miller, Gary Waxman Frost Miller, George Weiner Gallegly Mink Weldon (PA) Ganske Mollohan Weller Gekas Moore Wexler Gephardt Moran (VA) Whitfield Gilchrest Morella Wicker Gillmor Murtha Wilson Gilman Myrick Wolf Gonzalez Napolitano Woolsey Goodlatte Neal Wu Gordon Nethercutt Wynn Goss Northup Young (FL) Graham Nussle Granger Oberstar --- NOT VOTING 7 --- Hinchey Nadler Spence Hinojosa Owens Millender-McDonald Solis