To: IAHF List
Subject: GLOBAL PETITION TO SIGN IN OPPOSITION to CODEX/EU VITAMIN DIRECTIVE!!! Anti Codex Radio Broadcast Wednesday Noon- 1pm Eastern Time at (Gary Null)
From: "International Advocates for Health Freedom"
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 16:45:19 -0500

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Everyone: Be sure to hear the special Anti Codex Radio Broadcast on Wednesday December 20, Noon-1 eastern U.S. time (Gary Null) Be sure to sign the Petition to protect our global access to vitamins at Please forward widely, and urge your friends to sign onto the IAHF email distribution list at IAHF badly needs your donations to carry this message to others before we run out of time. IAHF POB 625 Floyd VA 24091 USA

IAHF List:

Good News! A MAJOR Anti Codex Radio Broadcast is scheduled for Wednesday December 30 Noon-1PM Eastern U.S. Time and vitamin consumers world wide are encouraged strongly to tune in at IAHF was instrumental in connecting Gary Null with sources world wide who are prepared to BLOW THE LID off the Codex Vitamin Scam! If there was ever HOPE of exposing and stopping the Pharma Cartels anti vitamin agenda, we REALLY have it now!

In very simplified terms, here is a roadmap to the vast heist of our health freedom the Pharma Cartel is attempting to dish out in terms of their efforts to massively restrict consumer access to dietary supplements. The CODEX SHELL GAME is being aided and abetted by the EU Vitamin Directive Shell Game, and BOTH shell games are being aided and abetted by the "Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue" and the so called "Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue". Vitamin consumers world wide must sign the petition at in order to protect their access.

In Simple Terms:

Recently I sent out an alert that called attention to a press release from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) regarding the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) which recently held a meeting of the "Dietary Supplement Working Group" and they've blithely announced their intention to "HARMONIZE" American dietary supplement regulations to those currently being developed in the EU.

Given that the EU is in the process of trying to force all EU countries to walk in lockstep with Germany, that is to adopt outageously restrictive regulations that ban consumer access to vitamins and minerals within the therapeutic range except by prescription, and to any product that doesn't have an RDA, except by prescription, this TABD announcement should be of real concern to vitamin consumers in the USA. Keep in mind that the TABD is like the Chamber of Commerce, its not part of the government, so there is no way we can find out what they're doing via the Freedom of Information Act because they're not subject to it. IAHF contacted JB Cordaro and Peter Heer of CRN in an attempt to learn more about the TABD's deliberations, to no avail. As reported previously, CRN represents multinational pharmaceutical interests that are working hard to take over and destroy the dietary supplement industry. On their website at you can see their membership list which reflects this fact.

Josef Hasslberger is a distributor for Nature's Plus vitamins in Rome, Italy. Recently his high potency Vitamin E products were seized by the Italian FDA. Josef is very concerned about the EU Vitamin Directive as it threatens to destroy his business, and he warns Americans that unless we help the 15 EU nations to STOP the EU Vitamin Directive, our laws will be harmonized to the EU's, just as their laws are in the process of being harmonized to Germany's. Joseph asks vitamin consumers world wide to sign his petition at in opposition to both the EU Vitamin Directive and the Codex efforts to harmonize vitamin regulations world wide to this unreasonably restrictive "standard".

As our health freedom is being attacked via Codex, the EU, and the TABD, perhaps the most INSULTING globalist effort to steal our health freedom is coming from something called the "TACD" or "Trans Atlantic Consumers Dialogue" a body that doesn't in FACT represents consumers at ALL but in FACT represents a number of phony alleged "consumer groups" which in FACT are shills for multinational corporate interests. Check out especially

Here we find that we vitamin consumers are allegedly being "represented" by arch enemy of vitamin access Bruce Silverglade of "Center for Science in the Public Interest." This shill for the FDA has been staunchly opposing the best interests of dietary supplement consumers for the whole time I've been fighting against him (since 1989), and I'm certain that all of the OTHER alleged "consumer" groups in the TACD are equally dangerous.

Josef Hasslberger has exposed BEUC as phony, and they're also in the TACD. Public Citizen is listed as a member, and Sidney Wolfe of that organization has been trying for years to get the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 repealed as has Bruce Silverglade of Center for Science in the Public Interest. In an effort to see how Public Citizen feels about what is happening, I just spoke with Larry Sasich at the Health Research Group at Public Citizen at 202-588-1000 and he said the following:

"We support harmonization of American dietary supplement laws to the standard being developed in the EU, especially if it is far more restrictive. We favor a move to full pharmaceutical GMPs for dietary supplements, full HACCP standards, and we feel that there must be complete testing of all dietary supplement ingredients for safety, as well as complete testing for efficacy, just as is currently done for pharmaceutical drugs."

What can be done about this international shell game designed to scuttle our dietary supplement laws?

1. Sign the anti Codex anti EU Vitamin Proposal petition at and alert as many consumers as you can world wide to do the same!!!

2. Call your Congressman and ask that he cosponsor the American Sovereignty Restoration Act which would get us out of the WTO. If you are outside the USA, join your local health freedom organization and if none exists, please start one! Contact IAHF if you have any questions on this. Listen to Natural Living with Gary Null at from noon- 1pm Eastern Time. On Wednesday December 20th Null will be doing a special broadcast on the Codex Vitamin Issue, and will be interviewing a huge number of health freedom fighters from around the world. IAHF did a lot to make this happen.

3. SUPPORT IAHF: Only IAHF is making the effort to unite Anti Pharma Cartel Consumer Groups World Wide in Opposition to Codex. Please donate to IAHF to help us alert vitamin consumers world wide to what is going on behind their backs. IAHF PO Box 625 Floyd VA 24091 USA Questions? Comments? 800-333-2553 (US and Canada) Worldwide or local 540-763-3051 fax 540-763-3052

Alert your friends to get on the IAHF email distribution list, sign up for
free at Thank you!
PASS IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!