To: "Health Freedom, Codex Issues
Subject: Proof UN Behind Effort to Force Biometrics Onto Drivers Licenses: AAMVA Carrying Out UN Backed Plan Via ISO Plan is to Force Standardization of All Drivers Licenses World Wide, Not Just in All 50 American States: Contact State Legislators NOW!!
From: "I A H F"
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 16:42:26 -0500
IAHF List: [See documentation below my comments that proves the UN is behind the effort to force our thumb prints onto drivers licenses, documentation is from the website of the AAMVA American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, showing their tie in with a UN NGO organization called ISO (International Standards Organization) which is pushing for standardized drivers licenses world wide in over 100 countries, not JUST all 50 states in the USA!!
This adds impetus to the need to contact our state legislators in opposition to the effort to force our thumb print onto the state drivers license!! Forward this info to your state legislators, and let them know you will drive them from office if they attempt to ignore you!
Let them know your are armed, and if you aren't armed, GET armed! Live outside the USA? Get armed! They take your guns away so your only source is the black market? Hey, do what you have to do- but remember one thing: When the Nazis entered the Warsaw Ghetto, the only Jews who weren't rounded up and forced into Auchwitz and the other concentration camps were the ones who refused to disarm, see for documentation that in every case throughout world history genocide has always followed gun control !! see Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States]
Following the 911 CIA Psyop Against the World, Spook Central (aka Georgetown U. School of law) drafted "Model Emergency Powers Legislation" that has been rubber stamped by the Centers for Disease Control, then handed to the National Assn of State Governors with instructions to each of the 50 states that they must ram it through the state legislatures pronto, ostensibly to protect us all from "terrorism". [See]
Now, from the information below, we learn something even DEEPER about this evil control freak maneuver: ITS COMING VIA THE UNITED NATIONS via one of their NGO Organizations, "ISO" The International Standards Organization, which is pushing it in over 100 nations world wide to standardize drivers licences around the planet, so that they'll ALL have biometric identifiers....
Here in America, the evil stooges doing the UN's dirty work to foist this garbage off on us is called "AAMVA" (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators)
What can you do to stop it? In the USA you must contact your State Senators and Delegates to kill Model Emergency Powers Act legislation that threatens to force you to put your thumb print and other biometrics onto your state drivers license. The legislation would also confer dictatorial powers onto your States Governor including the right to force you to be vaccinated. It criminalizes refusal to be vaccinated and can put your state under martial law with the National Guard in control. Use a search engine to get on the website of your state legislature, and call them immediately to learn the status of this MEPA legislation in your state. Voice your strongest opposition to it. Send this to them. In Virginia, voice opposition to SB 62.
Via this means the Beast intends to control us: to seize our guns, to quarantine those who refuse to be vaccinated or to otherwise "cooperate" with Big Brother. Via forced vaccinations, they can microchip people using nanotechnology and they can also weaken people's immune systems. They can make microchips so small you wouldn't even know they're in the vaccine vile unless you examined it under an electron microscope. Via microchips, they can monitor your exact whereabouts via the GPS satellite, and through this means they intend to force us into a psychocivilized society under mind control. To learn about NSA's capability to do Remote Neural Monitoring and to force us into a psychocivilized society under mind control, see the lawsuit of John St.Claire Akwei vs NSA Also see and;$sessionid$INGPRAAABCJXICQEBGGAPUQ?c=web&qcat=web&s=nanotechnology&Partner=infospace_excite_search&_requestid=777128
NSA is not about to publicly reveal the extent of their research on nanotechnology "For Reasons of National Security" (just like they suppress all information about the CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control program. Yeah.... Who's "security"? Certainly not OUR security. Maybe for the "security" of the ruling elite who control the International Monetary Fund and who have monetized our birth certificates as collateral against the unpayable National Debt and who have been pushing for centuries to force us under a Global Totalitarian State via the UN/WTO, but this has NOTHING to do with our "Security" and EVERYTHING to do with our ENSLAVEMENT.
The time is NOW to contact your state legislature: the Feds are threatening to withhold money for road repair unless they pass this "Model Emergency Powers Act" legislation that is coming down via Spook Central (Georgetown U. School of law, read Jesuits, read Black Pope, Read Vatican, so you must call them en masse, and alert everyone in your area to do the same!! Never forget that at the end of WW2 the Vatican played a major role in assisting Nazis to escape Germany and to come to America via Project Paperclip. Never forget that the CIA was massively infused with people from Hitler's former Intelligence Corps via Project Paperclip. Realize fully that George Bush is a modern day Hitler and that Amerika is the 4th Reich which the Illuminati is using as the tip of their spear in an effort to subjugate the world. See article Author links Bush family to Nazis
Subject: AAMVA's International DL/ID
AAMVA's International DL/ID Travel Document Calling AAMVA's latest effort to standardize drivers licenses across the US "a move towards a national ID" is misleading at best. The reality is that the AAMVA is carrying out a United Nation's-backed plan to implement a standardized international identification and travel document system in every country around the world.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) operates as the coordinating force for this UN-backed international identification and travel document effort.
The ISO's Joint Technical Committee for Information Technology (JTC1), Subcommittee for Identification Cards and Related Devices (SC17), has already adopted hundreds of standards covering all of the elements and components that make up the identification document and associated information technology system.
The ISO is a non-governmental body which functions at the pleasure of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), (among other UN entities), which are part of the "United Nations System of Organizations": Operating under ISO JTC1/SC17 is Working Group 10, which is responsible for instituting "International Standards for Driver License Documents" around the world.
More than one hundred-and-forty countries participate in the ISO effort, all working to adopt the exact same standards for IDs and travel documents.
Each country has its own standards organization which works internally to institute ISO standards through various social and political methods.
The push to institute international identification and travel documents (using driver licenses) is no different than what we have previously reported with regard to the UN-backed social security system (implemented in more than 140 countries), and the "Know Your Customer" program carried out under OECD/FATF.
Clearly, the AAMVA's latest move towards institution of standardized driver licenses -- using the 9-11 terrorist attack as an excuse --is merely a ruse and another step towards the goal to implement international travel documents in accordance with the UN-backed, ISO/JTC1/SC17/WG10 agenda for standardization of drivers licenses.
The groups and individuals working to institute the international ID could not have planned it better. ----
Standards - International Standard for the Driver License Working Group 10 International Standard for the Driver/Driving License Document ISO/JTC1/SC17/WG10 The work towards an international standard for the driver license is done within the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Joint Technical Committee for Information Technology (JTC1), Subcommittee for Identification Cards and Related Devices (SC17).
The international standard establishes guidelines in the format and content of motor vehicle driver licenses (DLs) to support the requirements of national or regional motor vehicle authorities and international conventions. It creates a common basis for international use and recognition of DLs without impeding individual national and regional authorities in taking care of their specific needs. An ISO DL is a document issued by a government agency, granting an individual permission to drive a motor vehicle within that agency's jurisdiction or region with the goal of ensuring the safety of individuals and property.
DLs and related documents are defined within the standard, in a broad framework of categories as documents for separate uses or function including passenger vehicles, commercial transport vehicles, other related traffic safety applications (e.g. transport driver recorder card) and other card functions at the discretion of individual national/regional motor vehicle authorities. They can be enhanced by the adoption of machine-readable technologies.
The standard does not propose a global system standard for DLs outside the actual document.
It addresses the following card aspects and technologies
* Physical characteristics
* Magnetic stripe
* Optical memory
* Integrated circuit cards with contacts
* Integrated circuit cards without contacts
* Bar codes- one and two dimensional
* Optical character recognition
* Digital (digitized) images and signature The standard defines several optional techniques including their related process, to be used at the option of the relevant national and regional authorities. It additionally addresses options related to the security framework for technologies and their related process. This includes but is not limited to security features, encryption, digital certificates, etc.
"Standardization in the area of identification cards and related devices for use in interindustry applications and international interchange."
This is interpreted to cover all standardization concerning personal identification and/or cards.
WG10 (Working Group 10) - Motor vehicle drivers license and related documents NP 18013 Identification cards - Motor vehicle drivers licenses
The following countries are among the members of the ISO, and each is working to adopt the same travel document standards as pushed for by the AAMVA in the USA: ary?MEMB ERCODE=10 Algeria; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Ecuador; Egypt; Ethiopia; Finland; France; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Korea, Democratic People's Republic; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Malta; Mauritius; Mexico; Mongolia; Morocco; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Pakistan; Panama; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Switzerland; Syrian Arab Republic; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; USA; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Venezuela; Viet Nam; Yugoslavia; Zimbabwe.
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