To: "Health Freedom, Codex Issues
Subject: Another Mssg From "Mr.X" Victim of MKULTRA Illegal Human Experimentation With Implanted Biochip Prototype
From: John Hammell
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:00:30 -0500

IAHF List: I have removed Mr.X's name and email address from the latest mssg he's sent (below) to protect his life. We have been communicating about his experiences as a victim of illegal, black budget, human experimentation via the CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control program. He is a very credible person, and he's trying to warn us not to kid ourselves. This stuff is all too real, and its no joke! He and a group of several thousand people world wide are being used as guineapigs against their will by the CIA which is testing these implanted chips in order to perfect the microwave control mechanisms via which they intend to force us into a psychocivilized society in the near future with all of us being under DIRECT government mind control. When they can get a chip into you, they can modulate your brainwaves, they can put thoughts directly into your brain, they can read your mind electronically from a distance, they can access signals from your optic nerve to even tell what you're seeing.

We must work together to find ways to combat this. We must and will resist. After reading the words of Mr.X below, please visit the Anti Chip section at and also the NSA section about a lawsuit filed against NSA by a victim of this exact same sort of illegal human experimentation. You think Big Brother is bad NOW? You aint seen nothin' yet. We MUST expose and STOP this or they WILL achieve their goal of turning us all into cyborgs, into electronically mind controlled slaves. They can get microchips into people via vaccinations- via any application of a syringe.

What prompted the reply below from MR.X was a question I asked which was maybe a Faraday Cage would help protect him from the microwaves. I still hope he'll build one and try it out. I am going to put him in touch with someone who has built one, and have instructions on how to build it on the IAHF website just enter "Faraday Cage" on the sites search engine. We must compare notes to defeat the globalists control freak technology. The Codex vitamin issue is intertwined with the Mind Control issue because to a degree a person can protect against microwave manipulation by using supplements.


"The only real relief I got from this since full access in 98 was on a trip in 2000 to the Aspen/Snowmass federal wilderness area. The mountains there are full of hematite. A low grade iron ore. Cell phones don't work at all once you get away from the towers in Aspen. I think the hematite messes up the implant signal and there is nothing in the wilderness area to boost the signal. That is an area protected under the 1969 Federal Wilderness Act. Obviously that might be like a Faraday cage but different. A huge area where they cannot lock in. Like you I believe there must be ways to destroy the crystals and loose the tracking ability. Also a distortion device changing your bio-signal is another way.

If they get the mass smallpox vaccinations then the country is doomed. They will track everyone. Perhaps this is the mark of the beast? Very important questions. Also don't ever drink diet soda again. Aspartame is poison."