Welcome to the IAHF Message Board, our interactive bulletin board system. This is a place where you can connect with other individuals on health freedom and various alternative medicine related topics.
Due to spam and abuse on this board, we now require a one-time registration in order to use this board.
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To Register, cancel membership, or change your registration details, proceed to the
Registration Page
You can now preview a copy of our IAHF WWWBoard Rules before you register.
Privacy Notice: We will not sell or otherwise give away your personal information to anyone. The information you provide, during the registration process, will only be used for administering the IAHF WWWBoard. You will receive an automated email whenever you register, modify your information, or cancel your membership. You may also receive email from IAHF concerning changes to the IAHF WWWBoard and web site.
Please read our newsgroup rules and info:
- No foul language, personal attacks on individual people or companies, or advertising of any kind is permitted in this newsgroup.
- All opinions expressed herein are those of the individuals posting the messages and not necessarily those of IAHF.
- This newsgroup is for discussion purposes only: Health decisions are your responsibility and should be made in consultation with your physician or other qualified health care provider.
- Neither IAHF nor the individual posters are responsible for the accuracy of statements made in posts on this newsgroup.
- This is strictly a health freedom newsgroup and off-topic posts will be deleted. We will also delete (at our discretion) unsolicited promotions of other websites, MLM (multi level marketing) product hype, blatant advertising (our opinion), Spam, etc.
- Posts may be deleted at any time at the discretion of IAHF. This includes, but is not limited to the following reasons: spam, off topic posts, slow operation due to a large number of messages; old, outdated messages; lack of activity in a particular message thread, etc.
- All posts become the property of IAHF. They may be used for compilations, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or other beneficial uses. All posts used in this manner will give proper credit to the author.
- Spam is not tolerated on this board. Repeated attempts to post spam on this board is considered abuse and will be reported promptly.
- If you have any questions regarding the operation of this newsgroup, please do not post these questions, but instead email us
. By using this board, you agree to the foregoing and recognize the moderator's sole discretion in enforcing these rules.
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