The fascist nature of the German government's repressive attitude towards dietary supplements (which they hope to export to the world via CODEX) is clearly revealed in the message below from Dietrich Kempski, a German journalist who reports that NONI juice has just been banned in German by their FDA ( the "Bgvv"). Information about NONI, a Tahitian fruit with curative properties similar to aloe can be found at http://www.healthopportunity.com/1mkhealth/ The Bgvv has banned NONI for no good reason. There is no way to stop the Codex anti vitamin agenda at Codex due to how the game is rigged. Consumers have no voice,  and no vote, and neither do vitamin trade associations. We can only stop the Codex anti vitamin agenda by assisting the German people to fight back against their government, much in the way that American consumers have successfully fought back here. I have offered my services to the 40 NONI distributors in Germany, and hope Dietrich will put me in touch with them. It is up to vitamin companies world wide, as well as consumers and health freedom organizations to join with IAHF in an effort to help the German people fight back. Dietrich's article below is presented first in German- with the English translation following and will be put in the German section of the IAHF website. I am serious about wanting to help the German people. We all must be if we are to defend health freedom world wide, especially with the rapid shift toward world government about to be thrust on us via the UN's Millenium Summit in NYC, the largest gathering of heads of state in world history.

The Bgvv declared NONI to be a "Novel Food" "Unknown to Europe" (even though it is widely used in France due to the Tahitian connection) and also in Switzerland, England, and Holland where it is being consumed with no problems whatsoever.  The Bgvv lied and falsely stated that they had it tested in a lab. They raided a trade show called Hannover World 2000 where several small S.Pacific states had NONI displays, and they confiscated all product and are holding it under bond at customs.

IAHF strongly encourages your ongoing donations as I will need to make an additional trip to Germany as soon as we can develop a big enough network there to begin the fight back in earnest. IAHF is attempting to rally more health freedom organizations so that all will see the truth which is that we can't stop the Codex vitamin agenda at Codex, we can ONLY stop it by empowering the German people to fight their own government. Dr.Rath has triggered the beginnings of a health freedom revolt inside of Germany, but we must all help to sustain and encourage it.  See the photos and videotape from our anti Codex demonstration in Berlin at http://www.rath.nl Please forward this to everyone you know, especially people in Germany as we must bring more German traffic to the IAHF website at http://www.iahf.com and we must encourage more German health freedom fighters to join the IAHF email distribution list.

From: "Kempski" <Kempski@TELDA.NET>
To: <jham@iahf.com>
Subject: BgVV NONI german + english rewritten
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 09:50:02 +0200
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1

Dietrich Kempski, Herausgeber, 17. August 2000


Sehr geerte Damen und Herren,
fand Ihre Webseite über einen "Dr. Rath Link". Ich bereite gerade einen Artikel über die NONI Frucht vor, die ja nicht nur in den USA ein großer Erfolg ist. Rund 40 Importeure bieten Noni Saft und Kapseln in Deutschland an, wurden aber durch Vizepräsident Dr. Lingk vom BgVV gestoppt. Noni wurde kurzerhand als "Novel Food" erklärt, also als bisher unbekannt in Europa und damit als illegal für Import, Werbung und Vertrieb.

Auf der "Welt" EXPO 2000 in Hannover stellten 2 kleine Südsee-Inselstaaten ihre Noni Produkte aus. Die hannoversche Stadtverwaltung und die Bezirksregierung Hannover stoppten sie sofort und beschlagnamten mit Hilfe der EXPO-Zollbehörde ohne schriftliche Begründung den gesamten Bestand. 

Dr. vet. Hartmann, vom Büro für "Restaurant und Lebensmittelüberwachung" der Stadt Hannover (Expo Büro) erklärte auf Anweisung der Bezirksregierung Hannover zu handeln, die Labor Tests in Braunschweig gemacht haben. Im Gegensatz dazu erklärten die Aussteller und Regierungsvertreter von Samoa und Vanuatu, dass keinerlei Noniprodukte für Labortests entnommen wurden. Meine Nachforschungen im Braunschweiger Labor ergaben jedoch völlig unterschiedliche Fakten zu Dr. Hartmanns Erklärung:

Nie wurden dort Tests durchgeführt! Sie hatten lediglich eine Empfehlung gegeben, mit einer Briefkopie begleitet, geschrieben von Dr. Lingk (BgVV) welcher erklärte, dass Noni illegal sei.

Im selben Brief in dem Dr. Lingk Noni verbietet - gerichtet an Verbraucherschutzorganisationen und Behörden - verbietet er auch STEVIA, ein Zuckerersatzprodukt aus Afrika, was viele als Ersatz nehmen, da es keinerlei negative Nebeneffekte hat wie der Zucker!

Noni ist soweit ich weiß durch die US Lebenmittelbehörede (FDA) genehmigt, wie auch in Neuseeland und Australien, die konkret durch den Commenwealth mit Europa verbunden sind. Noni ist auch in Frankreich bekannt und im Gebrauch, - durch das Überseegebiet Tahiti!

Zur selben Zeit, da die armen Südseestaaten, die durch die Europäische Union extra zur Teilnahme an der Expo eingeladen und deren Stände durch die EU mitfinanziert wurden, und es Sonderregelungen für zollfreie Importe gibt, solche Schwierigkeiten auf der EXPO durch kurzsichtige hannoversche Behörden haben, wurden über 30 to. Noni Produkte von Groß-Britanien importiert - was wohl noch zu Europa gehört.
Keine Probleme dort, auch nicht in Holland oder Frankreich. Auch nicht im deutschen Bayern oder Hamburg, wo biochemische Lebensmittel-Labors, auch staatliche, die Verkehrsfähigkeit von Noni bescheinigt haben. Noni, die Frucht selbst - also nicht gesaftet, nicht gepulvert, kann in der Schweiz, z.B. in Zürich, auf dem Wochenmarkt gekauft werden. Kein Wunder dass die Pazifik-Leute erklärten: "Wir fühlen uns als Opfer von Rassismus."

Diese Fakten lassen die Erklärung von Dr. Lingk, dass Noni in Europa unbekannt sei, in einem  interessanten neuen Licht erscheinen. Leider auch eine erneute Blamage für das Provinzdenken in Hannover und leider ein weiterer Expo-Skandal.

Ich wollte Sie dies nur wissen lassen,
mit freundlichen Grüßen, Aloha

Interne Netzwerk Nachrichten für Gesundheit
aus Hawaii und der Südsee: HULA Tanz, HUNA und LOMI-LOMI Massage)
Dietrich Kempski

Dietrich Kempski, Editor,  August 17th 2000


Dear Sirs,
found your www site via Dr Rath links. I prepare an article on NONI, which is not only a great sussess in the USA. Now about 40 importers sell Noni Juice and Powder-Capsules in Germany, but got stopped by the BgVV vice (VICE !!) president Dr. Lingk. NONI was declared a NOVEL FOOD, unknown to Europe, and illegal to import / advertise and sell.

At the HANNOVER "WORLD" EXPO 2000 some small southpacific states exhibited NONI products. The city officials, and the Bezirksregierung (Countygouvernment) stopped all, and took all the products, with the help of the EXPOs-coustoms office away, under bond.

Dr. vet. Hartmann of the Hannover Cities "Control Office for Restaurants and Nutrition" stated, that he received order from the County, which has made a laboratory test in an state lab in nearby Braunschweig.  In oposition the exhibitors and Gouvernment-Authorities of Samoa and Vanuatu declared to me, that no Noni products where taken for lab tests. My research in Brunswick lab (Braunschweig) cleared the facts completly different to Dr. Hartmanns statement:

No tests ever have been done there. They just gave an recomandation, accopanied by a letter, written by BgVVs Dr. Lingk which states Noni being ilegal.

In the very same letter of Dr. Lingk, forbidding NONI - addressed to City Authorities and Consumer Protection Organisations, he also forbid STEVIA a fruit from Africa, used by many citizens as sugar replacement because it has NO negative sideeffects like sugar has!

NONI, as far as I know is OK by FDA in the US and approved in other countries like New Zealand and Australia which in fact is connected to Europe by the Commenwealth. Noni is also known and used in France through the Tahiti connection.

During the time the poor southseas sates, beeing invited and financally helpt to be at the EXPO by the European Union, (even with special dutyfree import regulations to EEC market) and than giving this trouble at the EXPO by shortsighted Hannover officials, over 30 tons of Noni have been imported to Great Britain, still belonging to Europe. No problems there and none in Holland or France - and none in the german country Bavarai or Hamburg, where biochemical foodlabs also one of the state have noni aproved as normal food. Noni as a fruit, not juice, not powder, can be bought in Switzerland at farmers markets, f.e. in Zurich. No wonder that the pacific people stated: "We feel like victims of rassism - and that in Germany".

These facts give the statement of Dr. Lingk, that Noni is unknown in Europe, an interesting thoughtful new view! Unfortunately also a blame for the provincial thinking at Hannover and another Expo affair.

This is just to let you know.

Kindes regards, Aloha,

(for health from the southseas - Huna, Hula Lomi-Lomi, an internal newsletter for healthpraktitioners network)
Dietrich Kempski, Editor

International Advocates for Health Freedom
http://www.iahf.com, email: jham@iahf.com
Tel. Within N.America 800-333-2553, Overseas 540-745-6534
Fax 540-745-6535 
Donations Needed: IAHF POB 625 Floyd, VA 24091 USA
The Cartel "Boils the Frog Slowly" Hoping We Won't Notice We're Being
Boiled  AliveTil Its Too Late To Jump Out of the Pot. Codex Vitamin Issue
Was Rolled Back from Step 4 to Step 3 in Berlin 2000, But Should Have
Been Withdrawn Completely. Neither the German, or the American
Proposals Are Acceptable And Must Still Be STOPPED!
Codex Harmonization Continues World Wide. When the Cartel Has
a Setback in One Place, it Redoubles its Efforts Somewhere Else.
They're Pushing Very Hard for Restrictive EU Guidelines for Supplements,
in Canada HPB is Holding Public Meetings This Summer (where they
typically ignore consumer input), While in the USA Media Attacks on
DSHEA are Mounting. If Democrats regain 6 Seats in the House
Dingle and Waxman will be back in power: Both have vowed to
Repeal DSHEA.
To Beat Codex The German People Must Rebel En Masse
By Educating Parliament. Grossklaus Must Be Removed as
Codex Chairman. The Reformhauses Must Flaunt German Law
By Selling Vitamins at More Than 3x RDA and Band Together
for a Legal Battle. IAHF Seeks More Contacts Inside Germany
We Must Show a Video Documentary re American Health Food
Stores, and the Codex Battle Narrated in German, to German Consumers
and Reformhaus Owners, Along With Information on How to
Mount a Successful Grassroots Lobby for Health Freedom.
IAHF salutes Dr.Rath's Efforts to Trigger a German Revolution.
See his website at
The FDA Has Broken US Law At Codex by ignoring
the intent of Congress re paragraph (c)(5) of Section 803 (the
FDA Modernization Act) part of the FD&C Act. FDA has no
legal right under FDAMA to build consensus at CODEX
towards passage of a restrictive vitamin standard. All FDA
can legally do under US law is call for a complete cessation
of deliberations on the Codex Vitamin Issue. The Matter
Should Best Be Left to National Authorities to Decide.
FDA is trying to set the USA up to lose in a trade dispute.
FDA is trying to undermine Proxmire and DSHEA.
CRN & NNFA are Helping FDA due to the influence
of multinational pharmaceutical companies within them.
Consumers Must Band Together in Defense of Rights
Which the Vitamin Trade Associations Can't Be Trusted
to Protect
IAHF is reaching out to establish reciprocal links
to more allied groups with websites and we have a banner
you can put on your site to advertise ours. The price of freedom
is eternal  vigilance.http://www.iahf.com for more info.