To: IAHF List
Subject: Exposing the Incremental Agenda: IAHF on Air Today, Again on Monday
From: "IAHF-John Hammell"
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 21:19:53

IAHF List: Yesterday and the day before I was on Hour of the Time radio show and I'll be on again on monday May 27th to discuss the Codex vitamin issue. The biggest challenge to addressing this issue is its long, drawn out incremental nature. They're boiling the frog very slowly. The EU Directive that passed was a framework, and Article 5 on potency levels has not been finalized. This combined with the fact that it will take 3 years to fully be noticed makes it hard for even people in the UK to feel the noose tightening, and this makes it hard for us to fight back, but and we have to work all the harder to do it. You can see the notes I am using for these shows in the form of the White Paper that I have at under Breaking News and Whats New.

Please download this White Paper, make copies of it and circulate it to health food stores and vitamin companies, and if possible please send a donation to IAHF POB 625 Floyd VA 24091 USA or donate via paypal to assist me in generating a video based on this information so we can really start breaking past the spin controlled lies that are keeping American health food stores and vitamin companies from donating money to the Alliance for Natural Health in the UK which is working hard in opposition to the EU Vitamin Directive- trying to positively impact Article 5 on Potency limits which has not been finalized, while exploring the possibility of a legal challenge to the Directive on a whole.

The idea of the video is that once we have it, we can start a nationwide lecture circuit to bring the details of the pharmaceutical takeover of the natural products industry to more people's attention in order to form a version of the British Alliance for Natural Health in the USA. This Alliance would be patterned after the one started in England by Dr.Robert Verkerk who refuses to allow pharmaceutical interests to join.

They have the support of a huge number of alternative practitioners in the UK and we need to do the same thing here by approaching allied groups such as American Assn for Health Freedom (formerly American Preventive Medical Assn), ACAM, GLACAM, AHHA, chiropractic groups, traditional chinese medical groups, etc. in order to establish a strong alliance with the lobbying fire power necessary to offset the lobbying power of the pharmaceutically dominated vitamin trade associations.

Today I was on the air for an hour on 790 am out of Miami Fl (by phone) on a show called "Health Line" hosted by Herb Slabin, MD; Janet Semarelli, NC; and Al Foreman from Tunies Health Food store in Coral Ridge, FL. This hour long show out of Miami reached listeners from Key West north to Port St.Lucie; and from Naples on the west coast of Florida to the ocean and they tell me they have a fairly devoted listenership- I'll assess that by whether or not I see a spike of visitation at

The pharmaceutical juggernaut CAN be stopped! Please go to and download the white paper from Breaking News that I'm using as notes for these shows. I will be improving it as time goes by, while trying to determine which parts are the most important for the video.

Any ideas any of you have on what should go into the video from that white paper would be welcome.

Anyone with videotaping experience, both camera work and production who might be interested in helping me to shoot and produce this video, please call me at 800-333-2553. Where there is a will, there is a way. This is a tough boulder to roll uphill, but with your help and with the help of the creator of the vitamins, we cannot fail. Please send a donation to IAHF to assist with this educational campaign, and if you can get me onto some more radio shows please contact me. Together, we're gonna roll. The Cartel IS muggable! Education is the key to exposing the Codex scam.


John Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
POB 625 Floyd VA 24091 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
540-763-3051 World