To: IAHF List
Subject: New Zealand Health Freedom Battle Needs Global Assistance- Codex Seen in Microcosm Via the NZ Lens.....
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 06:16:03 +0100

IAHF List: SEE URGENT ALERT BELOW MY MESSAGE Please forward this to anyone you know in Australia or New Zealand and no matter what country you live in please take heed: the full court Pharma Press that New Zealand Vitamin consumers are experiencing right now (Coming from pharma dominated Australia) is soon to be felt by the WORLD unless more people band together to kill ratification of the Codex vitamin standard in July...

Also... some scurrulous LIES have just been disseminated to Mannatech distributors and other network marketers on the Codex issue by Mark LeDoux, Board member of CRN. IAHF will be skewering his disinformation in the near future and we'll need all your help to awaken those who are still sleep walking towards a largely unseen cliff which is being obscured by bald faced liars such as LeDoux. CRN is a pharma dominated vitamin trade association whose membership includes Bayer, BASF, Pfizer, Wyeth, Monsanto, etc, its a gross conflict of interest that Mannatech and other network marketing vitamin companies belong to this horrible trade association.


Dear Health Freedom Advocate,
Some of you may have just plugged into these issues, some of you may not be up to date. At present the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is trying to force its self upon the New Zealand (NZ) people. Elements in the NZ government have been trying to railroad this legislation through the parliament.This process has been gathering momentum over the last two years or so....It also seems suspiciously well timed in that it coincides with the prohibitive legislation being thrust upon Europe, the UK and soon the world.

If New Zealand falls this will have disastrous effects for many Australians as New Zealand is a back door for many safe and effective health products which have been banned or disallowed in Australia. New Zealand has enjoyed liberal health laws for many years without any health products posing danger to the public however, now, it seems the Australian TGA believes NZ's not so dangerous system needs conforming to our rigid, restrictive system .....This is an obviously transparent grab at controlling the NZ health industry by the pharmaceutical industry dominated TGA.

If you know of any New Zealanders then please distribute this news letter and have them connect with David Sloan and the NZ Health Trust.

Michael Bending
Alliance for Health Freedom Australia
To Unsubscribe:

NZ Health Trust Newsletter No: 12 - 1st March 2005

We need your help right now!

We have recently become aware that despite its assurances to date, the National Party may be planning to support the Government's disastrous Trans Tasman Therapeutic Goods Agency (TTTGA) legislation. If the Government gets National's support, the legislation needed to create the new agency would be able to be passed.

If NZ adopts the TTTGA, economic experts say this will cost the country jobs as some businesses go under while prices go up and consumers have less choice.

Here is a list of actions we urge you to take NOW.

Please go to the website
to send an email to Opposition leader Don Brash and his health spokesman Dr Paul Hutchison, asking them not to turn their backs on the New Zealand natural health products sector.

Complete our "Urgent Support" request page if you haven't yet done so

Write, Ph & or Fax Don Brash ph:(04) 471 9509 Fax:(04) 473 3689

Write, Ph & or Fax Paul Hutchison Ph:(04) 471 9197 Fax:(04) 472 4169
Below is a letter (already written for your convenience) to send by either fax or mail to Don Brash and Paul Hutchison. Please copy and paste this letter into word then edit if you wish and print for sending.

Address to Parliament Buildings, PO Box 18888, Wellington - no stamp required. Fax numbers as above.

Dear Drs Brash and Hutchison

I have been following the Government proposal to create a Trans Tasman Therapeutic Goods Agency which would give the power to control all therapeutic products, including natural health products, medical devices and pharmaceuticals to an Australian based agency.

Until now I have been glad to hear of National's opposition to this proposal but recently have heard that despite its statements against the Joint Agency, National is considering supporting the enabling legislation. It has been shown the TTTGA will bring with it a staggering increase in compliance costs, the death of many New Zealand businesses and give a commercial advantage to their Australian counterparts.

You should know that over 2 million New Zealanders use natural health products and also this industry is predominantly made up of small to medium local enterprises. By risking the local industry you are risking the support of many New Zealanders like myself.

Natural Health Products must NOT be treated like pharmaceuticals or regulated under the same body as them.

Natural health products simply do not have the same risk as pharmaceuticals.

They need to be regulated as the separate industry that they are and that regulation MUST be based in, and controlled by, New Zealand.

The proposals have already been shown to achieve nothing in the way of increased public safety

Yours sincerely,

Kind Regards
Dave Sloan

NZ Health Trust
A: PO Box 34-057 Christchurch, New Zealand
P: +64 3 3519807
F: +64 3 3517993

For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World