To: IAHF List
Subject: IAHF on Air Saturday Web Based 9am-10 am Pacific Time
Date: 3 Oct 2003 22:27:12 -0000

IAHF List:

John Hammell will be one of 3 guests on an hour long radio show tomorrow, Saturday October 4th with host Michael Olson to discuss the Codex International Threat to Health Freedom. In the context of that broad topic I will focus on the ANH lawsuit as the only way to stop the Cartel's machinations at Codex.

Also on the show as guests with me will be Susan Negus of the American Holistic Health Association and Scott Tips, JD, of the National Health Federation

The show can be heard live from 9 am to 10 am Pacific Time over and on commercial radio stations throughout California and the Midwest. It will be archived for one month on the radio page at The show airs on commercial stations which means they pause for commercial interruptions at :15, :30 & :45 minutes.

I will attempt to focus my comments on the fact that you can't stop the Pharma Cartel's efforts to force a draconian vitamin standard through to completion at Codex for the simple reason that we have no voice in the dictatorial UN proceedings, and for the fact that the final standard would be imposed by the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO- a new international court to which we also have no access, and within which we have no voice.

I'll discuss the fact that I was thrown off the US Codex Delegation to the Commmittee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses prior to the 2000 Meeting in Berlin due to my efforts as a whistleblower to expose the fact that Dr.Beth Yetley, unelected bureucrat from the FDA, and our US Codex Delegate, has violated US law- a law that I played a direct result in shaping via my lobbying- the FDA Modernization Act of 1994.

I'll discuss the fact that Yetley has set us up to lose in a future WTO Trade Dispute on this issue, and that the fix is in. Due to this- the only way we can stop what is unfolding will be OUTSIDE OF CODEX- via the Alliance for Natural Health's lawsuit, which must be filed by October 10th, and for which donations are urgently needed, and will be needed for the next 2 years or so to see it through to a successful completion:

Although I informed the American Holistic Health Association about the ANH lawsuit, they have failed to alert the public to it. This is most likely due to AHHA being a non profit organization with 501C3 Tax Status that they might fear losing if they get "too political". This was the "reason" they gave me in the past for not taking various actions to alert the public on legislative matters, but its no justification for not alerting people to the need to donate to the ANH lawsuit.

Scott Tips from NHF did alert the public to the ANH lawsuit, but he would not allow my full article to be posted on their website because he does not like Clinton Miller who I mentioned in the article, so he blocked people from receiving complete information about the lawsuit which I don't appreciate.

I can only hope he will properly assist in pitching the importance of the lawsuit on the air tomorrow- but if he doesn't, rest assured, I will.

Its never easy to compete with 2 other guests for time on any hour long commercially interrupted radio show, and I'm not sure how up to speed Michael Olson will be on the issues even though I emailed him information, so we'll see- please tune in if you have time- we can't stop Codex AT Codex, we can only stop it OUTSIDE of Codex via the ANH lawsuit due to the global ramifications of the passage of the EU Vitamin Directive it must be overturned in court. Please alert everyone you know, especially health food store owners and vitamin companies that they're being actively misled on this issue by the pharma dominated vitamin trade associations.

The lawsuit must be filed by October 10th. Please urge everyone you know to donate any amount they can afford via the secure server at The future of our access to supplements depends on our seeing this lawsuit through to a successful conclusion which could take a couple of years.

John Hammell
International Advocates for Health Freedom
POB 10632 Blacksburg VA 24062 USA;
800-333-2553 N.America
540-961-0476 World